
We are carrying out research in the field of gravity simulators for early universe and black hole processes. For this we have identified and developed a series of novel experiments focussing on the control, manipulation and detection of fluid and superfluid interfaces. The experimental efforts are paired with high-level modelling support to reproduce in the laboratory some of the most ill-understood processes in our Universe, and make concrete predictions, transferable to cosmology, astrophysics and fundamental physics.

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The combination of deep fundamental-science goals and cutting-edge technology puts us in a natural position to communicate to the general public the excitement and importance of fundamental research. For example, the Black Hole Laboratory in Nottingham has been filmed for the Strip of Cosmos (Discovery channel) and Black Holes - The Edge of All We Know (Netflix) science documentaries. We are currently planning a variety of novel outreach activities. Follow the link below to learn more about our outreach programme and/or to get involved.

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Recent Publications

Stationary trajectories in Minkowski spacetimesCameron R. D. Bunney, Journal of Mathematical Physics
Rotating curved spacetime signatures from a giant quantum vortexPatrik Švančara, Pietro Smaniotto, Leonardo Solidoro, James F. MacDonald, Sam Patrick, Ruth Gregory, Carlo F. Barenghi, Silke Weinfurtner, Nature
Ambient temperature versus ambient acceleration in the circular motion Unruh effectCameron R. D. Bunney, Leo Parry, T. Rick Perche, and Jorma Louko, Physical Review D
Vacuum entanglement probes for ultra-cold atom systemsCisco Gooding, Allison Sachs ,Robert B. Mann, Silke Weinfurtner.
Non-linear effective field theory simulators in two-fluid interfacesVitor S. Barroso, Cameron R. D. Bunney, Silke Weinfurtner, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2531 012003 (2023)
Circular motion analogue Unruh effect in a 2+1 thermal bath: Robbing from the rich and giving to the poorCameron R. D. Bunney, Jorma Louko, Class. Quantum Grav. 40 155001 (2023)
Third sound detectors in accelerated motionCameron R. D. Bunney, Steffen Biermann, Vitor S. Barroso, August Geelmuyden, Cisco Gooding, Grégoire Ithier, Xavier Rojas, Jorma Louko, and Silke Weinfurtner
Primary thermalisation mechanism of Early Universe observed from Faraday-wave scattering on liquid-liquid interfacesVitor S. Barroso, August Geelmuyden, Zack Fifer, Sebastian Erne, Anastasios Avgoustidis, Richard J.A. Hill , Silke Weinfurtner
Quantum vortex instability and black hole superradianceSam Patrick, August Geelmuyden, Sebastian Erne, Carlo F. Barenghi, Silke Weinfurtner
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