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The fuzzy world of quantum mechanics is usually relevant only on the atomic scales, separated from our world by orders of magnitude in size. However, large quantities of matter can display collective, quantum behaviour under certain extreme conditions. An excellent example is superfluid helium, cooled down nearly to the absolute zero temperature: its flow is visibly affected by quantum defects, tiny vortices of constant strength.

Luckily, large amounts of superfluid helium can be obtained in a laboratory and undergo experimental investigation. During my PhD studies at Charles University, I researched how its flow (especially when the flow is turbulent) differs from that of ordinary fluids such as water or air. I have then joined the Gravity Laboratory, where we use superfluid helium to explore analog gravity systems influenced by the quantum effects embedded in this fascinating state of matter. The research is part of the Quantum Simulators for Fundamental Physics (qSimFP) consortium.


Employment history
From 2021
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at University of Nottingham
2018 - 2021
Researcher at Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic)
2017 - 2021
PhD studies in Condensed matter physics at Charles University, supervisor Marco La Mantia
Rigorosum in Condensed matter physics at Charles University
2015 - 2017
Master studies in Condensed matter physics at Charles University
2012 - 2015
Undergraduate studies in Physics at Charles University
Foreign experience
Institut Néel CNRS (Grenoble, France), collaboration with Philippe-E. Roche (5 weeks)
2018, 2019
Cryocourse - International advanced school on low and ultra-low temperature physics (2+2 weeks)
2018 - 2019
Institut Néel CNRS (Grenoble, France), collaboration with Mathieu Gibert (7 weeks)
Awards and Prizes
2019, 2021
Best Poster Award, International Conference on Quantum Fluids and Solids
Exceptional Prize of the Rector of Charles University
First Prize, The 7th Czechoslovak Student Conference in Physics


Black-hole spectroscopy from a giant quantum vortexPietro Smaniotto, Leonardo Solidoro, Patrik Švančara, Sam Patrick, Maurício Richartz, Carlo F. Barenghi, Ruth Gregory, Silke Weinfurtner.
Rotating curved spacetime signatures from a giant quantum vortexPatrik Švančara, Pietro Smaniotto, Leonardo Solidoro, James F. MacDonald, Sam Patrick, Ruth Gregory, Carlo F. Barenghi, Silke Weinfurtner, Nature 628, 66–70 (2024)
Spatial distribution of the quantized vortices' tangle in thermally driven round jets of superfluid heliumP. Švančara, P.-E. Roche, M. La Mantia, Physics of Fluids 35, 035136 (2023)
Coherent propagation of vortex rings at extremely high Reynolds numbersP. Švančara and M. La Mantia, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 953, A28 (2022)
Ubiquity of particle–vortex interactions in turbulent counterflow of superfluid heliumP. Švančara, D. Duda, P. Hrubcová, M. Rotter, L. Skrbek, M. La Mantia, E. Durozoy, P. Diribarne, B. Rousset, M. Bourgoin, M. Gibert, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 911, A8, (2021)
An experimental study of turbulent vortex rings in superfluid 4HeP. Švančara, M. Pavelka, M. La Mantia, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 889, A24, (2020)
Flight-crash events in superfluid turbulenceP. Švančara, M. La Mantia, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 876, R2, (2019)
Visualization study of thermal counterflow of superfluid helium in the proximity of the heat source by using solid deuterium hydride particlesP. Švančara, P. Hrubcová, M. Rotter, M. La Mantia, Physical Review Fluids 3, 114701 (2018)
Vorticity enhancement in thermal counterflow of superfluid heliumP. Hrubcová, P. Švančara, M. La Mantia, Physical Review B 97, 64512 (2018)
Flows of liquid 4He due to oscillating gridsP. Švančara, M. La Mantia, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 832, 578-599 (2017)
Small-scale universality of particle dynamics in quantum turbulenceM. La Mantia, P. Švančara, D. Duda, L. Skrbek, Physical Review B 94, 184512 (2016)
Cavitation bubbles generated by vibrating quartz tuning fork in liquid 4He close to the λ-TransitionD. Duda, P. Švančara, M. La Mantia, M. Rotter, D. Schmoranzer, O. Kolosov, L. Skrbek, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 187, 376-382 (2017)
Visualization of viscous and quantum flows of liquid 4He due to an oscillating cylinder of rectangular cross sectionD. Duda, P. Švančara, M. La Mantia, M. Rotter, L. Skrbek, Physical Review B 92, 64519 (2015)