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My main research interests are in quantum field theory, relativity, and the interplay between them. Right now, I am focusing on developing theoretical frameworks that more closely describe experiments to explore the various playgrounds available as analogue gravity systems. In order to get closer to unifying the original theory and the experiments, finite-size effects, non-zero background temperatures and modified dispersion relations such as those describing Bose-Einstein condensates and surface waves must be taken into consideration. In particular, I employ techniques from real and complex analysis, QFT (in curved spacetimes), relativity and fluid dynamics.


Employment history
Since 2022
Author at Profound Physics Blog
PhD in Mathematics , University of Nottingham , Supervisors: Prof Jorma Louko and Prof Silke Weinfurtner
2016 - 2020
MMath , University of Nottingham, Thesis title: Principal Bundles Connections and Gauge Theory, Supervisor: Alexander Schenkel
2016 - 2018
ULP Japanese, Nottingham Trent University
Awards and Prizes
School Achievement Prize
Mathematics Prize (Highest average grade in 3rd year)
First Martin Pluck Prize (Highest average grade in MMath cohort)


Stationary trajectories in Minkowski spacetimesCameron R. D. Bunney, Journal of Mathematical Physics
Ambient temperature versus ambient acceleration in the circular motion Unruh effectCameron R. D. Bunney, Leo Parry, T. Rick Perche, and Jorma Louko, Physical Review D
Non-linear effective field theory simulators in two-fluid interfacesVitor S. Barroso, Cameron R. D. Bunney, Silke Weinfurtner, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2531 012003 (2023)
Circular motion analogue Unruh effect in a 2+1 thermal bath: Robbing from the rich and giving to the poorCameron R. D. Bunney, Jorma Louko, Class. Quantum Grav. 40 155001 (2023)
Third sound detectors in accelerated motionCameron R. D. Bunney, Steffen Biermann, Vitor S. Barroso, August Geelmuyden, Cisco Gooding, Grégoire Ithier, Xavier Rojas, Jorma Louko, and Silke Weinfurtner
Electromagnetism in Curved Space–Time: Coupling Doppler shifts and gravitational redshiftsCameron R.D. Bunney; Gabriele Gradoni, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 64, 3 (2021)