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Organizers Jorma Louko, Silke Weinfurtner, and Cisco Gooding are pleased to announce a one-day "Measuring Temperatures and Harvesting with Unruh Detectors in the Lab" workshop in Nottingham during Bill Unruh's visit. Our approach is to bring theorists and experimentalists together to discuss a joint way forward towards Unruh detection from an analogue gravity system, with the focus on both ultra-cold atoms and superfluid helium systems.

Note, this is not the first time we are doing something like this. Last time we met it sparked the idea of using interferometric Unruh detectors. We have come a long way since then, and part of the workshop is to summarise the insights obtained over the last four years, and to give this project a big push.

There will be coffee/tea at 845am (UK time) on the mezzanine on the B level in Physics, and the meeting will start at 930am in Phys A1.

The idea is a series of 15min conceptual talks: problem, overview of approach and key results.


  • Silke Weinfurtner - Opening Remarks (930am)
  • Sebastian Erne - BEC modelling (945am)
  • Steffen Biermann - Helium modelling, contrast with BECs (1005am)
  • Coffee/tea Break (1030am)
  • Cameron Bunney - Finite size, and finite temperature (1050am)
  • Cisco Gooding - Signal extraction (1110am)
  • Bill Unruh - Backreaction (1130am)
  • Discussion - Noise budget, demodulation (1145am)
  • Lunch (12pm)
  • Tentative lab visit (TBA)
  • Vitor Barroso Silveira - Interferometric method (130pm)
  • Friedrich Koenig - Sideband sensor for quantum properties of light (155pm)
  • Coffee/tea Break (215pm)
  • Xavier Rojas - Superfluid optomechanics: micropillars, quantum limit via reduced dos (tentative; 245pm)
  • Discussion - Superfluid Unruh detection, single-mode regime (310pm)
  • Coffee/tea Break (340pm)
  • Robert Mann - Analogue entanglement harvesting (400pm)
  • Chris Fewster - Measurement in QFT with CV (425pm)
  • Closing Discussion (445pm)

Following the workshop, there is a dinner at 630pm at Pizzamisu.